Thursday, March 2, 2017

Religion Rant

Haven't been on in a while.  been having some very deeeeeep thinking.  Posted this originally on my Facebook so I'm just bracing for the backlash because I have some pretty hardcore Christians on my my friends list.  But maybe I'll be lucky and they might see some truth in what I'm saying.  Maybe I'm totally wrong but at least I'm thinking about it. 
Omg...Ok religious rant incoming...hit the deck if you don't want to get hit cause when I get rolling I talk with my hands and damage happens!!

I am a Catholic...disgruntled as I may be...but forever a Catholic. I haven't gone to church in forever because I feel that as long as I talk to God and try to listen for his advice and blessings, I'm all good in this world. He is my therapist in a way. I know he sees all that goes on, but it feels good to have a chat with him. I don't need someone else to forgive my sins in his name. If I do something bad I immediately feel guilty and I step back and ask him for forgiveness. Thank goodness I haven't done anything horrible but it feels good to let the little things out.
Now to the point here...I hope. I'm tired of everyone saying that Pope Francis is doing bad things because he's being someone lenient. You all have to understand this is not 2000 years ago when our church came to be under Peter's guidance. Morality, secular laws, and society has changed sooooo much that our Pope is faced with a very daunting task of bringing our church into a modern light. Its all on one man. He is the one chosen by God to guide us. The old laws have to evolve so we can grow with God.
I've been really focused on learning about other faiths because I feel that all of God's children have a piece of the truth puzzle and the only way I can grow as his child is to understand what his other prophets are teaching. We are not separate religions, we are all one under one God, but because of cultures that have developed differently since the Tower of Babel we don't understand that truth anymore. So we fight. I don't want to fight I want to understand. I want to find those puzzle pieces and try to help put them together.
So give Pope Francis a break and let him do his job for his church. Give all our religions leaders the time and love they need to bring us all together if they can. God will sort out the bad apples and bring those of us that are following his path under his wing. We will never know who is truly right or wrong and that is ok. Its why we all have our faith and trust in Heaven. K?? Good....Rant over....I'm going to go have a chat with God and see if I can here a nod of approval for being a good person.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Why people gotta hate?

Hello party peeps!! 

     I have been reading a friends blog and her Facebook posts and it seems there is a theme running through them lately.  I feel horrible for her.  Recently she has had some success in the Drag community by winning a pageant and being asked to represent the LGBT community at various events.  I was so proud to know her and have been a big support of hers for about a year now.  I honestly believed that the LGBT community would be a tight knit group because of the adversity they deal with just for being different but I was so wrong.  There are bad people in every community.  My friend has been badmouthed for her look, her opinions, and the way she represents her beliefs.  Its so sad because she is a beautiful person and has so much to share with the world.  I may be small town and a little sheltered but it bothers me a lot.
     It got me thinking of all the times that I was bullied for no reason other than my looks or because I was new and being shy.  People that judge in general are sad.  They either have be bullied, or grew up seeing others bully people that are different so they know no better.  I would love to kick this kind of thing to the curb but its so hard to change the world with words.  I thank God everyday for people like my friend because she is a strong person and I want to have that kind of strength as well.  She's helped me realize that haters are gonna hate because they are jealous or troubled themselves.  Instead of hating them she feels sorry for them and wants to change things.  She reaches out and tries to start a conversation with them to see why there is an issue.  If they continues to bad mouth her she lets them go out of her life.  That is a strength I wish I could have had a long time ago. 

     I want to make the world a safe place for all of us that are "different".  Those of us with artistic abilities, mental difficulties, physical difficulties, and those that embrace alternate lifestyles.  Its not a choice for us to be who we are.  God gave us a gift to make the world a more interesting place.  If we were all the same and "Perfect" life would be so boring.  Its not a competition to see who is better than the others, its LIFE.  Those of us that are "different" struggle to fit an impossible mold set before us by "normal".  Let us brighten up your lives with our special gifts and show us respect and we will show you respect. 

     I know we have not met, physically, Gina, but I love you and you are beautiful!!!!  You are strong and I love that about you.  You are inspiring me to stand up straighter and follow my heart.  I thank God for people like you in my life because its hard for me to be strong since I have a hard time dealing with my own differences.  YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

     SHARE THE LOVE KIDS!!!!  Compliment a stranger today.  Maybe you will be the one that makes their day awesome.  You never know!!! 



Sunday, December 11, 2016


I'm feeling incredibly lazy today.  LOL.  I live in NW Indiana and they keep threatening us with lots of snow and cold temperatures.  This girl does not like snow and cold.  I just want to bundle up and stay in bed for the rest of the winter.  Sooooo, I decided to share some of my favorite crochet memes instead of trying to come up with some deep thoughts.  Its another form of therapy for me.  Silly things people post about us crocheters just make me giggle.  ENJOY!!!

Ahhh I feel much better now.  Do you??  BTW I also Knit but I'm terrible at it LOL.  I keep trying but its really hard for me to keep track of the patterns.  ADD is evil when it comes to knitting.  Enjoy your day friends!!!  Start a random snowball fight.  Start a new hobby of collecting dust bunnies.  Do something completely out of character and have a good giggle over it. 

Follow me at: 

Twitter:  JennsCrochetADD
Facebook:  Jennifer McCollough (I'm the one that's obsessed with University Alabama)
Pintrest:  JennsCrochetADD

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Lots of reflections on why I do the things I do

Crochet and Knitting helps fight Depression and Anxiety?

Something super small today.  Been watching the snow outside and reflecting on my year.  Snow really is pretty when it first starts to fall and covers all the trees in front of my house.  I really am not a fan of snow or cold weather but it does have its beautiful moments.  Sometimes I wish I lived somewhere like the NW Woods where there is nothing surrounding my home but nature.  Imaging the sound of the wind and the local critters just doing their everyday thing like there was no stress in the world.  So peaceful.  I like peace.  I will find it in my everyday life soon.  For once NW Indiana doesn't stink.  Thanks snow.

Article I found from a Twitter I follow.  Goes along with the video I added to my presentation about how prisoners are taking up crochet to help deal with prison life.  This young lady has taken up drawing and her work is gorgeous.  Enjoy!!!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Rough week and how I deal with it.

Hello Friends!!!

Been a rough week for me.  Thursday I got the bad news that I have developed Diabetes.  Its not super serious yet according to my doctor.  My A1C was 6.5.  But its bad enough that I have to now monitor my blood sugar everyday and work harder on my weight loss.  Doctor is hoping that if I loose more weight and work on cutting out my bad eating habits for good I may be able to reverse my diagnosis.  Kind of a semi truck to the face diagnosis (dramatic I know).  But you know what, I've managed to take it in stride.  I thought it through last night and decided that this isn't the thing to bring me down.  I took up my crochet and counted my little heart out until I worked through my shock.  In the past I would have had a complete melt down and would be useless for days on end.  I don't know if it is because I knew deep down what was happening to me, or if all my reading and sharing has begun to really work its magic. 

It was also brought to my attention that a good friend from College passed away Friday morning in her sleep.  She had always been a great inspiration for me because of her positive attitude despite adversity.  Trouble finding steady work, relationship issues, and things of that nature never set her back for long.  She always rebounded.  She found out she was pregnant and was super excited despite always saying she didn't want kids.  She went through all the "OMG what do I do," moments with grace and always had a great sense of humor about it.  I think she would have been a great mom.  She had a lot of love to give.  RIP Kim Konold.  Love you!!!

Going to keep this short today.  Have a few more things to sort out.  Emotions are a funny thing.  Outside I look calm but reflective, but inside my heart aches.  I'm strong and I will become stronger.  Good time for some meditation and being thankful for what I have. 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

New Media Fun!!!

More new media fun!!!  I love my classes.  I'm studying Animation at Full Sail University down in Orlando Florida.  I'm an online student and they are pushing my old brain to do things I never knew I would be interested in.  Like making YouTube videos.  This was really fun and honestly with a degree in Graphic Design I should do this more often.  I learned to manipulate images for a reason.  Digital images are another way of expressing your inner soul.  Sounds kind of deep I know.  I love to inspire and I hope I do that for those that have read my blogs. 

I really want to see what my readers are creating.  I love to share with friends the great work of others because we all are connected in the artist community.  The more we reach out and help each other the more powerful our images become.  So please share your links to your works and I'll give you a shout out on my other media pages.  I want everyone to be successful and satisfied with the pat on the back they deserve for sharing their thoughts and images with the world. 

You can share any form of art.  Written words, video, drawings, fiber arts, painting, etc...  I'll post them as I get them on my Twitter and Facebook with proper credits to you so please make sure you share your email address and name with me if you want others to know how to find more of your work.  I may not get them all out in a timely manor but I will keep sharing.  I hope I never run out of new artists to share with everyone.  Think of this as a chance to be apart of a big artist gallery that is run by a slightly goofy, and fun loving fellow artist.  If it gets really big I'll start a separate blog just for sharing.  GOOOD LUCK FRIENDS!!!!

ALSO:  Video update on my blanket!!!  YAY!!!  Finally you say.  Yes yes I know I'm very slow.  LOL.

Tweet me at:  JennsCrochetADD
Facebook me at:  Jennifer McCollough  New Carlisle, In.
Pin me at:  JennsCrochetADD

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Fun with graphics

In a former life I got a degree in Graphic design.  I decided to have some fun for my class I'm taking at Full Sail University and made some info graphics and Memes. 

My infographic about how art can save lives.  Click the links as well and get some great articles that I really enjoyed reading.

My fun Memes.  Would love it they go viral.  The Turtle photo is an original photo from my Brother In Law Alex Hermeto.  He and my sister are avid divers and they take really great pictures of the local sea life.  They live down in Florida and go all over the Keys and out into the Gulf of Mexico to dive different wrecks and reefs.  The digital art piece of the planet with the Roman Ruins on it was created by myself.  I worked on that for a week to perfect the background and the planet its self.  They were both created from scratch using all kind of filters and some pictures of cobblestones I found in my home town.  Photoshop is amazing.

Being multi talented is a lot of fun!!  See I'm not just a pretty face!!  hee hee

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